Thursday, January 17, 2008

Blog Post #1 - Oedipus Rex and I

What I personally gained from Oedipus Rex was the fact that humanity does not have free will. Our fate is unchangeable, and anything we as humans try do to do to stop it will only enforce/catalyze the situation. This can be exempllified by Oedipus's running away from home to avoid killing his father, who in reality wasn't his father at all. As a result of leaving, he eventually met up with his real father, only to kill him under the understanding that he was a random man. I also gained a thorough and concrete understanding of dramatic irony seeing as that's one of the many literary devices that Sophocles decided to use in excess. And overall, I grasped a good sense of the Greeks and their surrounding culture, which to me, who loves all things classical (Rome, Greece, mythology) was deeply appreciated and well received.

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